Group Sound Bowl Healing Session
See schedule - $30
Tibetan Bowls are an ancient, yet powerful, healing modality. Participants lie in a circle on thick padded mats with bolsters and blankets. The bowls and practitioner are in the center of the room so each participant can hear and feel the gentle vibration. Your eyes are covered, and the practitioner strikes the bowls in different patterns, sending the energy around the room to different people each time. Stress, tension, or dis-ease in your body will cause the bowl to sound out of tune, or dull. World-renowned classical singer Esther Heideman will use her musical skills to align the body, repeating bowls and patterns until the sound is in tune again. This hour-long process realigns the body, mind and spirit. Because your body contains up to 80% water, the vibrations will move through your body fluidly. At the end of class, everyone will have an opportunity to experience a healing Tibetan bowl played directly on their heart.
Upcoming Sessions (use "Book" for more dates)
15 E. Church St. Kilmarnock, VA, 22482
Tel: 202-580-9542
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